Review – The Cat Empire

The Marble Factory, 1st April

Bristols Marble Factory certainly strike gold with the gigs they put on. Saturday night welcomed The Cat Empire all the way from Melbourne Australia. Tickets sold out way in advance for this eagerly anticipated shindig.

As individuals this group of incredibly talented musicians, simply know how to put a show on. The Cat Empire produce a sound drenched in Latin rhythm thats impossible not to move and vibe to. The brass section were utterly faultless and the lead vocals from Felix Riebl and occasional vocals of Lazaro Numba really hit a cord with me. 

Special shout out to the powerful feminine energy of Grace Barbe who was styling it out on the bass and Neda Rahmani who gave a energised masterclass in percussion, bouncing around the stage projecting pure love and passion, while donning high heels and a huge radient smile. Neda you are amazing! 

The first time seeing these guys live it was everything I was hoping for and then some. You need to see them for yourself. Oliver McGill on the keys too was sublime and worth the admission fee alone.

The C E played a beautiful selection of songs including “Brighter than gold”, “Bulls”, new track “Thunder rumbles” and “Two Shoes” , but my song of the gig has to be “Like A Drum”, that will really stick with me for a long time. Proof being i’m still unconsciously humming it days later. They ended the night with “Still Young” a song thats probably a soundtrack to many of the audiences lives, the whole crowd singing along, arms in the air, their hearts full. What an ending. 

We love you @thecatempire Come back to Bristol soon… pleeeease.

📝📸 @wanderingaroundbristolbw

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