Thekla was built in 1958, survived it’s time as a cargo ship in the Baltic Sea, and was renovated after being left derelict for years. I wouldn’t be surprised if the crowd for Fat Dog sank it that night. Never before have I seen a mosh pit break out as soon as a band walk on stage. Usually, there’s a build-up of energy for at least 1 song or maybe a few enthusiasts start then bringing the rest of the crowd in over time. This was not the case on this particular night. As soon as the band walked on stage the whole boat was moving, me included as there was no choice but to be in the thick of it.
To say Fat dog has a cult following would be un understatement. What might be more accurate is to say the followers of Fat Dog have actually formed their own cult. The band have only just released their debut album but have already toured internationally, selling out venues in Brussels, Amsterdam, and Paris, to name a few. They were selling out venues with only a couple of songs released but I can see why. They sure know how to put on a show.
For at least every other song there was a member of the band in the crowd, leading them in some absurd action or walking through, reaching out for individuals as a king would reach lovingly for his subjects. During their song I am the King people actually started kneeling as frontman Joe Love walked amongst his subjects.
Alongside these acts of adoration, there were some well-choreographed if a little absurd dances and displays on stage too. Including, but not limited to, dancing like a crab, synchronised hip movements, and press-ups. Clearly this band have an incredible stage presence, confidence and musical ability. The whole room was buzzing with energy and noise from start to finish, to the point where my camera was steaming up by the end.
I made a swift exit into the comparatively freezing air and heard people exclaiming that it was one of the best shows they’d ever seen or that it was so much better then expected.
Fat Dog shows really are an experience and I would highly recommend catching one of their appealingly psychedelic performances on the rest of this tour, although they show no signs of stopping anytime soon.
Role: Photographer/ Journalist
Available for: Gig and press phototography, album shoots, music videos, tour coverage
Qualification: 1st class BA photojournalism degree
First attended gig: First ticketed gig I remember is Newton Faulkner but there was plenty of live music that I saw growing up in the folk scene in Cornwall
First gig shot: Rattler Fest for all three days
Dream gig: It's too hard to pick just one, and i'm lucky enough to have been able to shoot some of my bucket list bands already, so top 3 would have to be Frank Turner, The Hives, and Twenty One Pilots