They arrived demanding the world and this band may well be on the way to getting it.
Just occasionally you come across a band that just seems to have it all. And you know when they are headlining major festivals in the years to come you’ll be telling your friends “I was there when….”
Hands off Gretel have all the weapons in their arsenal to make it THAT big. A unique sound, unique look, a powerful and charismatic lead vocalist, a tightness that belies their young years and most importantly the great songs that underpin it all.

A capacity crowd arrived at The Louisiana split into two distinct camps. Those that were already aware of the great potential of this band. And those who had yet to discover them.
By 11pm Hands off Gretel was the name seared into the memories of all that attended.
When I review a gig I like to hang around a little way after the music stops and politely eaves drop on the other patrons initial thoughts.
“Oh my god, that was amazing” , “I knew they’d be good, but wasn’t expecting that” , “so, so, sooo good live” gives you a flavour of the mood of the crowd after the final notes faded into the night.
For the fans there was a bit of everything. The set leaned, as expected, toward the new album. Opening with “I want the world”, from which the tour takes it’s name. However there were enough smatterings off ” burn the beauty queen” to keep the purists happy. Getting to hear “One eyed girl” live was particularly awesome. As was “Bigger than me” from the “Bedroom sessions” album. And the surprises didn’t stop there as the crowd were treated to brand new material in the form of “Punk Rock”. A track that is guaranteed to continue the bands elevation to the next level.
A blistering pace didn’t let up all evening as the band gave the crowd on point renditions of S.A.S.S, Big boy and Milk.
In fact the pace only abated for pauses in proceedings so that Lauren could interact with the crowd. Even Sean got to practice his mic skills, confessing his love of “masks”.
Its great to see a band, so serious about their music, have such a sense of fun. You get the genuine impression the band are tight and having a great time doing their thing.
The evening ended with the crowd baying for an encore, which Gretel duly provided with perhaps their best known track “Kiss me girl”.
It was a raucous end to a great gig. And you can be sure that when Hands off Gretel return to Bristol they are going to need a much bigger venue.
- I want the world
- Alien
- Big boy
- S.A.S.S
- It’s my fault
- Be mine
- My Toy
- Freaks like us
- One eyed girl
- Bigger than me
- Milk
- Punk rock
- My size
- Kiss me girl (encore)