Review – The Hara

The Fleece, 12th April

Well Josh Taylor (frontman), Zack Breen (guitar) & Jack Kennedy (drums) have done it again.

The Hara simply don’t put on a gig. They invite you to a seat at the table of the mad hatters tea party.

Never a dull moment, no rest-bite, no filler…just 90 mins of one of the best live acts in the UK right now.

A band that continues to raise the bar & would crawl over broken glass to make sure anyone who’s bought a ticket to see them is rewarded.

We are not entirely sure what @theharajosh would do if he couldn’t perform. I’d hazard a guess that one of the most dynamic entertainers we have right now might just spontaneously combust if there was no outlet for his energy.

The whole show this time feels BIGGER as well. Video screens bringing transitions & introductions from “The Devil” that give the night a arena level feel.

Being one of the first crowds to hear tracks from debut album “Survival Mode” performed live is pretty special. Out for just 5 days it must have given the band goosebumps to hear the words of “Autobiography”, “Died In My Twenties” & “Talk To The Manager” echoed back at them.

The fact the set stretches to over 20 songs is testament to the incredible depth of material this young band have already put in the bank. Whilst the new album is obviously the main focus. Older fans are treated to tracks pulled from the previous EPs “We All Wear Black”, “Off The Edge”, “Fool & The Thief”, “FYI” they are here.

The crowd giddy as they try & keep pace with Josh’s movement, as he utilises every inch of the venue trying to contain him. Will he appear on the bar?, the floor? the roof-space? 

Its so obvious to see that The Hara are you, me, us… the same worries & struggles pour through their lyrics. There is no ego, just music freaks that happen to be on the other-side of the mic. That connection cant be fabricated. Its either authentic or it shows. 

By the time the set reaches its climax with “Friends” the crowd are way past boiling point. There will be a lot of people nursing bruises & sore knees in the morning.

The overwhelming feeling The Hara leave you with however is…its ok to be YOURSELF

📝📸 @bristolnomad_gigphotography

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@thebristolnomad / @bristolnomad_gigphotography
Role: Photographer / Reviewer / Interviewer

Chief, the one that bugs the team for team for their reviews and images. Creator and founder of The Bristol Gig Guide. Can usually be found swamped in admin or getting cramp kneeling at the front of a gig.

Available for: Gig Shoots, Gig Reviews, Photo Shoots, Album and Single cover shoots, Videography work, Interviews and Touring

First attended gig: Republica, circa 1996.

First gig shot: Hands Off Gretel, at The Louisiana!

Dream gig: Huge metalhead and my ultimate dream gig would be shooting my heroes Slipknot at a huge stadium gig, or as festival headliners. And to experience shooting a headline tour outside the UK

About Adie White -904 Articles
@thebristolnomad / @bristolnomad_gigphotography Role: Photographer / Reviewer / Interviewer Chief, the one that bugs the team for team for their reviews and images. Creator and founder of The Bristol Gig Guide. Can usually be found swamped in admin or getting cramp kneeling at the front of a gig. Available for: Gig Shoots, Gig Reviews, Photo Shoots, Album and Single cover shoots, Videography work, Interviews and Touring First attended gig: Republica, circa 1996. First gig shot: Hands Off Gretel, at The Louisiana! Dream gig: Huge metalhead and my ultimate dream gig would be shooting my heroes Slipknot at a huge stadium gig, or as festival headliners. And to experience shooting a headline tour outside the UK