The Exchange Basement, 17th February
Review Lebo Music
Diamond in the rough.
If there was ever a more stark contrast between stage personality & musical content @lebomusic_ was it
Effortlessly charming, warm & humble in his interactions with the crowd.
Incredibly deep & almost melancholy in his lyrics.
And therein is yet another juxtaposition. The lyrical content against a rich & playful, natural soul glazed vocal. Backed with beautifully structured keys.
I overheard a voice in the crowd offer a young John Legend comparison, whilst not fully in agreement I can certainly see why they’d be inclined to draw such a comparison.
@lebomusic_ openly frames his set as “sad songs, from a happy guy” and it really is a description then we can’t better.
Oh Bristol… how can one city be so blessed with such a wide range of talent.
Tessa King is a name becoming very familiar in these parts, but now threatening to spill out of the confines of the city and into the ears of the nation.
Y’know when you just know someone ticks all the boxes of making it? Well Tessa has the box ticked, gift wrapped and is sending it express delivery.
Blending the edges between a old school soul diva and a modern RnB queen, Tessa fills the stage and draws an audience in.
Her heart on sleeve approach to music demands your attention. And gives her a genuine feel of a friend or sister confiding in you their hopes & fears. This is a artist that feels every lyric in every fibre of their being as they perform.
Even without the aid of a drummer (ruled out late through injury) the set is polished, slick and has a beautifully stripped back feel.
“Have it All” & “Euphoria” have already amassed over 1 million Spotify streams. When you add in new single “Headrush” and its ability to charge the air in any venue with raw emotion then you have a performer armed with the bullets that’ll fire the starting pistol on a glittering career.
Review San Reetam
Caught by surprise…
Those nights when you walk into a little independent venue and find a absolute gem of a band or artist are irreplaceable.
When MDB asked us along to cover the gig in the bowels of the Exchange basement, we went along with little background knowledge of the collective project known as @sanreetam save for a few clips on social media.
We can now verify we have four insanely talented musicians (MDB: Vocals/Guitar, Eve Lesedi: Vocals/Tenor Sax, Joe Pike: Keys & 3D: drums) on our hands. That when they come together fill the room with a blended medley of sweet soul & RnB to funk. What a delight to experience live.
It’s refreshing and frustrating when musicians have no idea how good they are.
The layout of some of the tracks is so layered and complex, yet they are performed as smooth as butter on toast.
The duelling vocal duties of MDB & Eve work really well in giving the group the ability to change tempo & style at the drop of a dime. The magnetic charisma given off by the front pairing is infectious. And impossible not to find yourself singing along to catchy choruses of songs you are only hearing for the first time.
A call out to @eve_lesedi as well. In my untrained mind playing Sax, especially playing it incredibly, is one of the hardest instruments to master. What I wasn’t expected was the sax to drop and Eve to demonstrate a beautiful soultress vocal.
Hard to see in the cramped confines of The Exchange basement, but as well paired as MDB & Eve were up front, Joe (keys) & 3D (drums) were so utterly in sync at the back. Giving the perfect base for the band to grow from.
Recommend you stream the beautiful “As Strong As You” & “Under The Moon” now… they are a lil bit special. More than this go catch this band live, you wont leave disappointed.. I’m now off to try and get the line “Don’t go breaking my heart”, “Don’t go breaking my heart” out of my head as its still lodged there after 48 hours.
@bristolnomad_gigphotography / The Bristol Nomad
@thebristolnomad / @bristolnomad_gigphotography
Role: Photographer / Reviewer / Interviewer
Chief, the one that bugs the team for team for their reviews and images. Creator and founder of The Bristol Gig Guide. Can usually be found swamped in admin or getting cramp kneeling at the front of a gig.
Available for: Gig Shoots, Gig Reviews, Photo Shoots, Album and Single cover shoots, Videography work, Interviews and Touring
First attended gig: Republica, circa 1996.
First gig shot: Hands Off Gretel, at The Louisiana!
Dream gig: Huge metalhead and my ultimate dream gig would be shooting my heroes Slipknot at a huge stadium gig, or as festival headliners. And to experience shooting a headline tour outside the UK